Totally get it. I came to faith in a brief wave of the Jesus movement, late 60’s early ‘70’s in NW Detroit. No connection with fundamentalism or even evangelicalism, per se. Ex druggie jesus freaks, who regarded institutional forms as mere “Churchianity.” The oldest leaders were maybe 40, reading Lewis, Bonhoeffer, Kierkegaard, Howard Thurman (I’m guessing) and Jewish writers like Buber and Heschel. All that was before Roe V. Wade and the Religious Right and all that boo-honkey. So I have a kind of idealized Christianity, never bought penal substitionary atonement (like Rene Girard and scapegate theory as lens for what Jesus and the Jewish writings before him were progressively stumbling toward. Not trying to talk you int my version of faith, just sayin’ what you describe ain’t my cup o tea either. Like my Jewish atheist friend likes to say, “I just believe in one less God than you do.” Plus early followers were charged with atheism, so I suppose we might be able to enjoy some good “fellowship” :)