So Matt, good to clarify it’s not a sort of faith you’d want to be part of. But Christianity is “apolitical”? It’s pretty well understood that when Paul and the early followers said “Jesus is Lord” that confession was viewed as political by Roman citizens who confessed, “Caesar is Lord.” The civil rights movement of the 1960’s — which now, pretty much everyone thinks was a helpful thing — was fueled by black churches. A good thing? Or would it have been better for them to be “apolitical”? Dietrich Bonhoeffer is widely regarded as a hero by many branches of Christianity for being one of the few Christian pastors in Germany to resist the rise of Hitler. HIs stand was viewed as “political” (opposing a particular political leader and the movement that put him into power.) Was his stand a good thing or a bad thing? You may not agree with the particular implications of the gospel that I see as coming from the gospel, you sure that Christianity meaning the gospel, is supposed to be completely apolitical?