Matthew, As soon responded with “Spoken like a convinced Roman Catholic” I thought, “I bet this guy is Eastern Orthodox.” How we jump to conclusions. My bad. I see we have many intersecting connections. I agree with you that “sola Scriptura” the framing slogan of the Protestant Reformation has failed to deliver as promised. If I could buy the absolute truth and authority claims of any one system, Roman Catholic, Anglo-Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Reformed, Evangelical, Fundamentalist, I’d gladly sign on the dotted line. But I think a certain measure of chaos is part of the human condition from which we are not spared by any religious system making claims of certainty that are ultimately a tautology. Nevertheless, on matters of central concern (one might use the term catholic here) I see a remarkable unity that is ultimately a fruit of the Spirit. After 2,000 years and the spread of the gospel through massive cultural changes over time and into wildly divergent cultural settings in place, still, the Bible is our book, the gospel is our message (even if we argue incessantly about its meaning and implications), love is our aim. We baptize, have communion, interpret Scripture, worship on the first day of the week, and maintain our fascination with Jesus of Nazareth. Let us proceed according to the best light we have been given.