James Finn, I’m not at all surprised that the Catholic who tried to muffle your voice had a reputation as “progressive.” In my evangelical world, it was the so-called progressive pastors who were most incensed when I publicly (on an NPR interview) described their policies (no same-gender marriage or ordination) as “exclusionary.” See, they viewed themselves a progressive compared to their peers, because they decried gay-bashing from the pulpit, etc. and suggested a more “compassionate” approach. And so they were in their own minds, “the good guys.” By calling out their policies as exclusionary they took great offense. At first it baffled me, but now it makes more sense. I was offending their “good guy” view of themselves — since no good guys don’t want to cop to promoting exclusion. In fact, they called their own policies, “Welcoming.” As in, “You’re welcome to sit at the back of our bus — aren’t we compassionate? Please tell us how loved you feel!”